TRAINING TIP - LONGEVITY As I approach 60 I realise my fittest years are behind me, but I want to make the most of the fittest years I have left, which I want to make the most of, there are still things I want to do before I inevitably can’t, I know those fittest years I have left could be dictated by health issues, so it could be this year, in 5 or 15 years. Normally as a racer often that finish line can’t come soon enough, but now I want that finish line to be as far away as possible when it comes to the decline in my fitness and health. I’m already dealing with a couple of health issues for a few years now, autoimmune diseases, which I manage, but I’m used to managing health issues as I’ve had to manage a back issue my whole cycling career, Spondylolisthesis, so there’s already things I can’t do because of these but I work around them and do the things I can do. I’ve realised in the last couple of years just riding a bike isn’t great for my fitness longevity, I love being fit a...